Isnin, 25 Mei 2015


Hye Fellas. Baru habis class. Nothing special today. Just as usual, gi class, workout, buddy class and etc. Just sharing, ni video RomanCinta by "Caliph Buskers". Dia org jadi viral lepas persembahan kat Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) . "Caliph Buskers" ni group buskers org kurang upaya (OKU) . Respect dia org ni sbb one thing , vision dia org tinggi, suara mantop sbb belum tentu  org biasa blh bwk lagu setinggi ni. Bukan sbb dia orang ni OKU orang ramai tertarik, tpi lagu dia orang sampaikan rasa kat jiwa orang yang mendengar. We can feel the song. Nice Voice, Nice Group. Hopefully they will happy with their life and most important they are not feel lonely. 

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