Ahad, 23 Ogos 2015

Tips for Aesthetic Body

4 Diet Tips For Aesthetic Body

There are a lot of tips for Diet Meal for Aesthetic Body
So, in this blog i will reveal about my Diet Plan :

Tips 1 :

Count on more than Willpower alone

It's easy to blame diet failures on a lack of willpower, says Lisa Sanders, MD, a Yale University primary care clinician-educator. But willpower isn't meant to be the only tool you use. It's more like a safety net for when life spins out of control.

Tips 2 :

Set Yourself For a Success

Here are two ways you can set yourself up to succeed. First, says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD, eliminate any food that doesn't support your weight loss goals. Giancoli is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). She says it'll be much easier to resist temptation if unhealthy choices aren't around. Purge your pantry of any foods that list "partially hydrogenated oils" as an ingredient. Toss out sodas or other drinks made with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. And, especially if you prefer bottled water to tap, keep a supply on hand. It's easier to grab on the go.

Tips 3 :
Set Realistic Goals

If you've been inactive for months (or even years), don't immediately plan to work out every day. "Appraise your life," Marcus says, "and then make some strategic changes that you can realistically achieve." And don't be afraid to start small, especially with weight loss goals.

Tips 4 :
Be Ready to work

Change isn't impossible, but it does take work.
"To develop new habits, you have to make new neural pathways," Ryan tells WebMD. So create weight loss reminders to help jolt your mind out of old habits and into new ones. Try posting a note on your fridge, reminding you to eat fruits and veggies or drink more water

Do Follow http://www.marcfitt.com/ for more aesthetic diet, workout and motivation

Thank You for read this entry :D

Khamis, 20 Ogos 2015

Tips for Smart Body

Tips For Smart Aesthetic Body 

Lazar Angelov

Most Important to Get Aesthetic Body







There are 5 Tips that Good for Getting Aesthetic Body

Training Purposes ( Gym Workout)

Step 1:  Dial in Your Sets & Reps

Start by performing two warm-up sets to prevent any injuries. After your warm-up, start with a set of 6-8 reps at about 70-80 percent of your max effort. As you progress through the sets of each exercise, you'll decrease the weight and increase the repetitions. The first heavy sets will shock your muscles and increase your strength, while the lighter sets with higher reps will help you build bigger muscles. It's the perfect combination.
  • Warm-Up: 2 sets
  • Set 1: 12 reps
  • Set 2: 10 reps
  • Set 3: 10 reps
  • Set 4: 8 reps

Step 2 :  Train for proportion & Symmetry

A proportional body has everything in harmony: For example, your legs shouldn't look like toothpicks compared to your gigantic upper body. Symmetry, on the other hand, refers to the right balance among your muscle groups. Your biceps should be in the right ratio to your triceps, and your left and right quads should be equally large and conditioned.
Both proportion and symmetry need to exist in unity in order for the body to look its best. One of the best ways to achieve proportion and symmetry is to add unilateral exercises into your daily training routine. Lifting with one arm or leg at a time will ensure that you're equally strong and proportional on both sides of your body.
Most Important your workout is equal on both side, same proportion so it looks balance.

Step 3 : Get Conditioned enough

Truly aesthetic bodies don't have much extra body fat. Without a low-enough body fat percentage, you won't be able to see trim lines or muscle definition. Although it can be difficult to build muscle without losing your cuts, it's not impossible.
To stay conditioned, keep your rest intervals short. For larger muscle groups like legs, rest no longer than 50 seconds. For smaller muscle groups like biceps and triceps, rest no longer than 30-40 seconds. Limiting your rest will make an enormous difference in your cardiovascular fitness. Your increased heart rate will also help you burn more fat.

Step 4 : Train for V-Taper

Although balance, symmetry, and conditioning are absolutely essential to a godlike body, nothing makes people stop and stare like an amazing V-taper. Wide shoulders with a small waist are the epitome of bodybuilder aesthetics.
If you're lean already, your waist size may be as tight as it can become. Unless you live in a corset, it's difficult to make your rib cage any smaller than it already is. However, a wide back and broad shoulders will make your waist appear smaller. 

Step 5 : 6 Pax Workout

Great abs are a must. They're a sign that you have the perfect balance of size, shape, symmetry, and conditioning. Train your abs three times per week with this quick routine at the end of your workouts:

I recommend You Protein Supplement that really good

Do Visit ehplab website : http://www.ehplabs.com/

Do follow my fitness site : https://www.popads.net/users/refer/493568

Thank You For reading this Entry :D

Rabu, 19 Ogos 2015



Aku bagi definition:
gym, short for gymnasium, is an open air or covered location for gymnastics and athletics and gymnastic services such as in schools and colleges

Gymnasia apparatus such as bar-bells, parallel bars, jumping board, running path, tennis-balls, cricket field, fencing gallery, and so forth are used as exercises. In safe weather, outdoor locations are the most conductive to health. Gyms were popular in ancient Greece. Their curricula included Gymnastica militraria or self-defense, gymnastica medica, or physical therapy to help the sick and injured, and gymnastica athletica for physical fitness and sports, from boxing to dance.
Gym biasa ak pergi :(TOP kt  SHAH ALAM)
1) Pirates gym
2) HKA Fitness
3) Ringgo Fitness
4) Iron Gym
Jadi, kt shah alam memang ramai dak dak U dtg buat bdn, okla kan dr melepak tak tentu pasal. Makan pun terjaga, yg paling penting dia orang pandai ator jadual, bila nk study n bila nk ngegym. So, main gym ni blh ajar budak jadi lebih disiplin.
Try main gym lu, badan kau jgak kn bkn bdn org lain:D

Diet in a Month


Hye fellas, ok today nk cerita pasal diet, diet? selalu org salah anggap nak diet sbb nak cantik, nak diet sbb nk org tengaok, actually diet ni nak memastikan kita sentiasa sihat, tak sakit sakit n yang bagusnya kita dapat hindar banyak penyakit. 
Sekarang, kat Malayia masalah obesiti makin banyak, biasalah Malayia punya makanan perghh sedap sedap. gua pn makan tapi kene control.
Makan tu boleh tapi kau kene bersenamla, keluarkan peluh tak kisahlah nak pergi gym, main bar, total body work, zumba asal kau keluar peluh.

Tips Diet ( Simple)
- nasi ( setengah cawan kecik)
- protein ( ayam, telor), tak kisah ayam kau masak mcm mane, asal sedap :D
- fibre (sayur, buah)

ok yang ni menu aku uk tengah hari, pagi aku ambik supplement je 
- ni spirulina dr product Elken ( ak tahan lapar sampai tgh hari, dkt class pn tak lapar)
- ni website Elken sdn bhd  ,  https://www.elken.com/

- try supplement ni, berbaloi

Petang, lps class ak gi gym. buat yg simple simple je, takde nya nk beast workout, asal peluh keluar.
Jogging kt trademills kene ada, main dumbell sampai peluh,bila peluh lemak kau terbakar.

Tips ni ak biasa buat, 3 kg a month blh kurang kalau kau btol btol nak.
Selamat mencuba. Bila lagi nak cuba kalau bkn sekarang!
Healthy life bro!

Thank You for read this entry:)

Isnin, 25 Mei 2015


Hye Fellas. Baru habis class. Nothing special today. Just as usual, gi class, workout, buddy class and etc. Just sharing, ni video RomanCinta by "Caliph Buskers". Dia org jadi viral lepas persembahan kat Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) . "Caliph Buskers" ni group buskers org kurang upaya (OKU) . Respect dia org ni sbb one thing , vision dia org tinggi, suara mantop sbb belum tentu  org biasa blh bwk lagu setinggi ni. Bukan sbb dia orang ni OKU orang ramai tertarik, tpi lagu dia orang sampaikan rasa kat jiwa orang yang mendengar. We can feel the song. Nice Voice, Nice Group. Hopefully they will happy with their life and most important they are not feel lonely. 

Thanks for reading this Entry!!